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Showing posts from July, 2020

Sharing Ideas From My Kitchen

Sharing Ideas From My Kitchen
The most basic, yet transformative ideas to help you on your natural black hair journey

First Things First - Debunking..

Do Any of These Sound Familiar? "Your hair probably won't grow past this length". "You have to choose swimming or your hair. You can't have both". "You need to trim your hair every 6 - 8 weeks in order for it to grow".  June 2018 ,,,,                       June 2020... These are just some of the myths churned out by some inattentive hairdressers who can't be asked to spend time analysing and advising you on natural black hair care. Just slap on that relaxer or attach that weave, cough up - then off you go! Erm... Nope!!! Please teach me about my hair!!! Thankfully, I've managed to debunk these myths in recent years. But it's come at the heavy cost of disappointment and pain.  I have lost much of my hair repeatedly, on this journey to finding what really works for me. I earnestly stress that I am absolutely NOT a hair specialist - I am merely hoping that by sharing what I now know, many people will avoid the mistakes w...